Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To Banksy,

I watched Exit Through The Gift Shop and it was a revelation. Thank you for being a true artist that has taken consumerism, politics, and art to the streets. To see something for the first time is a gift. You are one of a very, very few heros of mine. I am amazed at your at your ability- for street art in all of its manifestations (the phone booth, street art in palestine, in museums, elsewhere, and even printing your own money.). I am inspired to do such crazy shit, but don't have the ability. 

To borrow from Structuralism- modern day society exists in a prison house of language filled with symbol prompts of various corporations- its a wasteland that exists for profit. What happens when the consumers are commodified? This is Heiddegar's concept of entframing in his essay, The Question Concerning Technology. The answer is that man's Being itself becomes obscured. But then this is the challenge for Human Beings to reveal their true nature, this he uses a Greek word, alethia, that means truth or the state of not being hidden. (Simon Schama's Power of Art series, the one on Van Gogh is what I am thinking about, but they are all excellent). At 35, unemployed, with no real talents, except that of writing, your work is an inspiration to me. How does one acquire an ability similar to yours- that I may blow people's minds by revealing something unique to them they have never experienced. I doubt this will get to you. But if it does, read a blog that I am writing so you know I am not full of shit ( Nom de guerre/plume is ElЯoy. 

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